In the province traditions are kept alive, new relational ways are built and, mainly people try to have a good way of living. Ancient Romans were well aware of that, in fact, close to the streets and the aqueducts one can easily find traces of ancient thermae, places where it was possible to get purified from bad humours and cured in order to regain strenght and vigour.
There are clear evidences of the existence in ancient times of proper centres to recover the spirit and the body. Thermae, massages, medical muds, oils, ointments and parfumes are integral part of a tradition that has been handed down during the milleniums, and that is being recreated in contemporary society. particularly in the luxury indrustry, with the present-day Spas.
Horatius, Lucretius, and Empearor Adrian are among the connoisseurs of the favourable welcome of the province, that they often praised. Actually, before the birth of Rome there were fitness centres, a crucial idea had passed and was understood by early populations: well and peaceful living is important. This simple concept was transformed during the centuries into its expressions that reflects the changing in society.
Who chooses to live in the province is looking for a deeper and stronger relation with nature, for places where it's possible to train or a simple opern air walk to smell the different nuances of the flowers more than car's smog, where it's possible to find gyms with a view on a field with trees more than buildings, listening to the natural twittering during a massage more than new age music in order to cover honking horns.
That's precisely in the province that the most interesting realities for the cure of the body and of the self are to be found, that's exactly where you want to be if you are interested in the most innovative relaxing techniques developed in the associations, the techniques that make you discover at the rythm of a walk in the mountains the hidden wonders, where learning how to feel good.
Those are the realities that we are going to narrate in this blog, with excursions through the new trends to find again the most ancient traditions.
Special thanks to the WR community